Atlas Orthogonal | Annapolis

Atlas Orthogonal Method

At Atlas Chiropractic, PC, Dr. Marc Schwartz uses a safe, gentle, non-invasive method to correct the upper cervical spine. This safe, painless therapeutic procedure can restore correct alignment and resolve chronic pain and other health issues related to atlas misalignment.

Support Your Well-Being Needs

The Atlas Orthogonal procedure is one of the most gentle yet highly effective treatments for realigning the upper cervical spine. After a thorough physical examination and cervical X-rays to determine misalignment, Dr. Schwartz will use a safe, non-invasive percussion instrument to gently move the atlas vertebra into alignment with your spine and skull.

This highly specialized technique safely restores your body's balance by aligning the upper cervical spine and correcting atlas misalignment so that your brain and body can communicate properly — all without drugs, surgery, or aggressive manipulation. Atlas misalignment occurs when your atlas vertebra is out of alignment, which can cause complications throughout your body.

The Atlas, or C1 vertebra, is a bone that sits just under your skull. Besides just holding up your head, this little two-ounce cervical bone is significant because your brain delivers all its messages through the brain stem — and these messages must first pass through the atlas vertebra.

What Is Atlas Misalignment?

When properly aligned, the Atlas supports the weight of the head in the neutral – or 90-degree orthogonal – position. This vitally important vertebra can be moved from its optimum position through trauma, such as injury, physical stress, and strain.

Trauma to the Atlas most commonly results from injury related to car accidents, slips and falls, a blow to the head, or sports injuries. Often, this injury is minor or with no initial symptoms.

The subsequent pain results from the body's attempt to compensate for the misalignment of the vertebrae, thus causing nerve irritation and inflammation from the disintegration of structural integrity. The resulting damage can manifest itself through chronic pain in the head, neck, back, shoulders, and limbs.

Diagnosis and Treatment

We perform a thorough assessment of craniocervical symptoms through neurological examinations, precise imaging methods, and personalized consultation to determine if you will benefit from Atlas correction and realignment using our non-invasive, pain-free procedure.

Your First Visits

Dr. Schwartz will start with a consultation to review your health history and concerns. He will perform a chiropractic, orthopedic, and neurological evaluation to assess your musculoskeletal problems: this evaluation will determine if your atlas vertebra is misaligned.

After the initial evaluation, x-rays of the cervical spine will be taken to assess the nature and degree of the atlas misalignment. Dr. Schwartz will develop a precise vector method for correction.

Unlike standard chiropractic treatments, Dr. Schwartz won't crack or twist your neck or spine. The stylus will deliver a precise, painless percussive force that gently aligns the upper cervical spine during your upper cervical adjustment. There is no pain or discomfort during an Atlas Orthogonal treatment. After the initial treatment, post-x-rays are taken to assess the realignment of the Atlas and cervical spine.

After your first adjustment, Dr. Schwartz will discuss follow-up care.
This gentle, meticulous approach can be used for a wide range of conditions— including headaches, vertigo, neck and back pain, tinnitus, TMJ discomfort, and sciatica — finding lasting relief and improving their overall quality of life.

Atlas Orthogonal FAQs

Additional Resources

For a more in-depth look at how the Altas Orthogonal technique works and what you can expect from your procedure, check out this videos below.